We met at Reston Town Center and were confronted by the police. Guess what!?! “Skating is not allowed at the center”. Really? Just kidding. 🙂 We knew that. We were polite and played by the rules. To kill the time while waiting for everyone to show up, Kat, Amy, and Mat had a mini competition in arm wrestling. Of course, Kat defeated everyone. Not!
Once everyone was there we walked to the WO&D Canal which was only two minutes away. We headed East toward Washington DC. The route had a very smooth pavement. The view was amazing with trees, grass, and flowers. We hit couple of small hills and ride it well using different techniques we came up with on the fly.
Everyone enjoyed the ride so much. We are planning more events especially now that Autumn with its fresh breeze and beautiful colors is knocking on our door. Stay tuned.